Canada slams Sri Lanka over assault on Tamil MP

Canada slams Sri Lanka over assault on Tamil MP

Canada has slammed the mob attack carried out on Tamil MP Selvarajah Kajendren in Trincomalee.

A mob attacked a rally in Trincomalee yesterday (Sunday), held in remembrance of LTTE member Thileepan, in the presence of the Police.

Vehicles transporting an image of Thileepan came under attack after they were surrounded by a mob.

Tamil National People’s Front MP Selvarasa Gajendran led the rally and was surrounded by a mob and repeatedly assaulted.

Canadian Minister Gary Anandasangaree condemned the attack saying it took place while the police stood idly by.

“This speaks to the continued impunity enjoyed by those who brazenly break the law,” the Canadian Minister said.

Canadian MP Salma Zahid said that it was disappointing to see the violence, including against a Tamil MP, and the lack of Police action.

She said that there needs to be rule of law for all.

Meanwhile, Tamils MPs in Sri Lanka, including M,A Sumanthiran, Shanakiyan Rajaputhiran Rasamanickam and Mano Ganesan also condemned the attack.

“This is a disgraceful attack on a representative of Sri Lankan people. I strongly condemn this attack and call for the immediate arrest of these thugs. It is shameful that they choose to desecrate the SL flag in this manner,” MP Shanakiyan Rajaputhiran Rasamanickam said on X.

Tamil MP M.A Sumanthiran strongly condemned the brazen assault and called on the Police chief to take immediate action. (Colombo Gazette)

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